Friday, August 28, 2009

Different Methods

I've always enjoyed English classes, well at least half of those English classes. My favorite part was the literature and reading comprehension, the things that I excelled at. Research papers, grammar worksheets, and spelling tests were always my enemies in English, but the new and different methods implemented by Prof. McArdle really have me interested in writing.

For instance, this blog is a really new concept to me and probably many of you other students as well, but I think its a fresh way to get into writing publicly. I'm actually excited to see what can come out of these in the way of discussion and idea sharing, and the use of technology here is such a jump up from high school. Well, I should probably get back to reading that Ball-Point handbook. That thing is pretty long winded.

1 comment:

  1. glad you are already interested in the questions this class will raise!
