Thursday, September 3, 2009


Was it just me, or was the first home football a huge let down. I'll admit that I didn't stay for the entire game. The first half alone was enough to bore even an avid football fan. I heard after I got back to my dorm that Ball State had lost. I still don't know how badly. Now I'm not a huge fan of sports, but I was looking forward to this game. And I was severely let down after loosely following last year's football team.

Anyways, the first draft of my I Believe paper is finished. I encountered some severe writers block halfway through the second page. Luckily, however, I took the field guide's advice and walked away from it until today. I'm still not all the way there though, and am still unsatisfied with it, but I guess that's why it's the first draft. Hopefully I'll get the help of my review group to finish up the paper.

1 comment:

  1. revision - 1st drafts are just that - no text is perfect nor truly complete - remember that!
