Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Public Writing Proposal: Yucca Mountain

Earlier this year, President Obama proposed that we not use Yucca mountain as a location to store nuclear waste. Yucca Mountain is situated in Nevada and is on a military base. If we were not to store our left-over nuclear residue, then where would we put it? At the moment there is no feasible location other than Yucca Mountain. I’m a large supporter of nuclear energy, but even I know there are some downsides, like nuclear waste. We currently have several nuclear power plants operating in the United States, and soon we will need a secure location to store the waste of those plants. Yucca Mountain is hands-down the best option in this case.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Public Writing

Public Writing is basically anything that is written for a large audience outside of personal contacts. The most common of example of this is advertising, which is just a persuasive argument displayed to a broad audience.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


So ironically, after my last post, I think I'm starting to get sick, not with H1N1 mind you. Just a small cold. I guess it was inevitable with the time of the year, even though I have been taking various precautions. Oh well, time to start popping the Vitamin C!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I've heard rumors about H1N1 here at Ball State, but I don't think they're true. Ball State would probably be taking action if it were true. Anyways, I'm getting pretty tired of these flu scares. Wasn't it just recently we were all worried about Bird Flu? Just look at how that affected us. If I hadn't heard about it through all the media and government precautions, I wouldn't have been affected at all. I know we must all be careful of harmful illnesses out there, but how can we all freak out about a virus that has killed a few highly vulnerable people when there is Ebola and AIDS over in Africa. I think it's all just blown way out of proportion by the media and I'm just sick of it.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Job Interviews and Tax Forms

So I just interviewed for an apprentice position at the Digital Corps here on campus. I felt that the interview went well, but I found out that I had some paperwork to get done if I wanted to work on campus. I guess this is like a right of passage, my first tax form. Boy do I feel grown up. Before I know it, I'll be filing for my 401k. Unfortunately, to be able to submit my forms, I need my Social Security card, my birth certificate, or my passport, none of which I have with me on campus. Because I have a deadline of tomorrow, my mom is driving here from Kokomo to give me my birth certificate. Thanks government, for denying the other twenty forms of identification I actually have with me.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I just found this awesome flash animation online and thought I would share. The animation is top notch and all the music is original. Just great all around.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Making Websites

So I decided to make a website instead of making a video. I have to say, it was a lot more fun than I expected it to be. I felt a lot less restricted while making it than when I write essays. That definitely affected my writing style. I tried to implement more humor and ranting instead of formulating strict sentence structure while always checking for grammar issues. I decided to go with advertisements on Youtube. If anyone wants to check it out, here's the link:

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Multimodal Ideas

I'm not exactly sure which direction to take these projects in. I was thinking it being something that I disagree with, but I'm not completely sure yet. One idea was about the commercialization of Youtube. Maybe even just commercialization in general. Its been getting worse and worse over the years and I feel like I can't really go anywhere without getting advertised to.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sitting here in class

Sooooo. I have no idea what to write about for my multimodal project. Just sitting here trying to think of an idea to no avail. Oh boy. Well, maybe I could make it about... no, no, forget that. I do know that I probably want to use a video format. Maybe movie maker.... or Final Cut Studio... I just finished a level one certification class on it, and the campus is covered in macs. It should be no problem. This could be like... I could create a video about...... nope, brainblock. Well it looks like its just about time to leave. Gotta get ready to go to astronomy. I just need an idea. Ya, an idea would be great.