Tuesday, October 20, 2009


So I've heard rumors about H1N1 here at Ball State, but I don't think they're true. Ball State would probably be taking action if it were true. Anyways, I'm getting pretty tired of these flu scares. Wasn't it just recently we were all worried about Bird Flu? Just look at how that affected us. If I hadn't heard about it through all the media and government precautions, I wouldn't have been affected at all. I know we must all be careful of harmful illnesses out there, but how can we all freak out about a virus that has killed a few highly vulnerable people when there is Ebola and AIDS over in Africa. I think it's all just blown way out of proportion by the media and I'm just sick of it.


  1. ohh i totally agree! The government always makes things seem worse than they are.

  2. I agree also! All this hype doesn't help the situation!

  3. I AGREE!!!! i think the government just wants to make it seem like its doing something

  4. I was sent home this weekend with N1H1, and I feel like I'm dyeing... but then again, the flu does that to you. SCREW THE MEDIA!

  5. I'm going to have to disagree with you because it might not affect healthy college kids that much if you get it. But, my little cousin that has cystic fibrosis, which is a genetic respiratory disease, got H1N1 and she has been in the hospital for over a week now. The media might blow it out of proportion, but you have to think about the children and adults that actually don't have perfect health.

  6. I do think that we need to have some kind of media or government alert to help those that are susceptible to the sickness, but I wish that the media would play it like its the next bubonic plague.
