Monday, October 19, 2009

Job Interviews and Tax Forms

So I just interviewed for an apprentice position at the Digital Corps here on campus. I felt that the interview went well, but I found out that I had some paperwork to get done if I wanted to work on campus. I guess this is like a right of passage, my first tax form. Boy do I feel grown up. Before I know it, I'll be filing for my 401k. Unfortunately, to be able to submit my forms, I need my Social Security card, my birth certificate, or my passport, none of which I have with me on campus. Because I have a deadline of tomorrow, my mom is driving here from Kokomo to give me my birth certificate. Thanks government, for denying the other twenty forms of identification I actually have with me.

1 comment:

  1. Well your mom loves you!! Good luck with the job! Hope you get it!

