Thursday, November 19, 2009

Changing Opinions

After going over the subject matter of my public writing essay again, I decided that my opinion had changed from what I originally wrote. This would be about the third time I've changed my viewpoint. I don't know if its me or the whole messed up topic I chose, but I can't seem to think of any good way to solve the problem. Yucca Mountain is a pretty controversial subject and I can't seem to decide on which side to agree with. I don't know. Its all just a big mess.
If you want to know what I'm talking about, just take a quick glance at the wikipedia page. It sums it up pretty well.


  1. You changed your mind again? Well, it is a very controversial topic.

  2. haha try to stick to one side to make your life easier. no one will know if that is your true opinion or not.

  3. i think it's good that you have been changing sides. this is how you find out how you stand on issues.
