Tuesday, November 24, 2009

A Clockwork Orange

I just watched A Clockwork Orange the other day and man... I'm not sure what to say. I felt pretty desensitized to the violence as we all see so much every day in this modern era, but all the nudity still struck me. And that's what I hear most of the complaints about, the violence and the nudity. I think that people who watch this film and can only complain about those things are looking into the film with a rather shallow approach. If you focus more on the idea this film is getting across, it becomes a brilliant film. So what do we do with hardened criminals? Do we punish them, try to cure them, or just kill them off to get rid of them? Can a sociopath ever be cured or is he bound to be that way forever? Overall, I really enjoyed this film. Well, maybe enjoyed isn't the right term, but it got me thinking. I've already seen 2001: A Space Odyssey, and I think I'll watch many more of Stanley Kubrick's films.


  1. Hmmmm... sounds interesting. I am going to have check out some of those movies.

  2. I've never seen a clockwork orange. I'm not sure I want to see it now. lol

  3. i can't say i'm compelled to see this either haha. it sounds good, but it just doesn't fit my fancy

  4. Freakin' awesome movie. It is nothing short of brilliant.

  5. "2001" is a favorite of mine - Kubrick is one of the few visionary filmmakers who can capture everything within a single frame - that said, he was a little crazy... but some may argue you have to be if you want to introduce a new perspective to the world
