Monday, November 30, 2009

Blog Assignment

Over Thanksgiving break, my family watched several movies, one of which was The Godfather. I'm not a huge fan of watching movies because my family always seems to be able to ruin it for me. For instance, while watching Seven Pounds, my mom was talking all the way through one of the last most emotional scenes by asking random questions like how that could work and stuff like that (if you've seen Seven Pounds you know which scene I'm talking about). Well during my sister asked if the character on screen was about to die and my dad, who had seen the movie before, said "ya, he dies here." I was pretty ticked. I stopped the movie and explained how they had been ruining movies for me for a while now and I wish they would stop. My mom responded that she just wanted to know what was going on sometimes. I told her that if she payed attention to the movie she would know and wouldn't have to ask. I guess I was trying to approach the situation logically and hope that they would understand that all I want to do is enjoy a movie without spoilers being shouted out in the middle of them.

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