Monday, November 2, 2009

A Long Day

So I'm trying to fix my roommate's old Xbox 360 which has gotten the much dreaded "red ring of death." After looking up various ways of fixing the Xbox, I decided to go get the tools I need to make the repair. Unfortunately, I don't own a car, so I walked to the Radio Shack on Tillotson, only to find they didn't have all the parts I needed. They were missing rubber washers. After that I caught a bus to Wal-Mart to get to Lowe's only to find they had the right rubber washers but not enough of them in stock. I picked up some of the most similar sized washers hoping that they'll work. I get back to my dorm around 5 o'clock and start taking apart the Xbox only to find I don't have the right sized screw driver. I give up (at least for today).


  1. Wow that's quite an adventurous day. Min hasn't gotten that yet. Once it does I'll probably just sell it on Ebay or something.

  2. Oh, the dreaded ring. If only it was under friend got it once under warranty and Microsoft sent him a new one.
    Then again, my boyfriend got his 360 when it first came out and he still hasn't gotten the ring yet. He's lucky I guess.

  3. i don't have an x-box but i really want one.
