Sunday, November 8, 2009


English 103 Course Goals:
English 103 introduces students to the fundamentals of rhetoric; to the elements, strategies, and conventions common to persuasion; to the use of those elements, strategies, and conventions in the construction of their own persuasive visual and verbal texts. Upon completion of English 103 students will:

1. Persuasion has been implemented into both the multimodal and public writing assignments in
that we try to convince others of the correctness of our ideas. In the case of the multimodal
assignment we did that using visuals and audio as well as text.
2. Various discussions in class have covered that we are writing for an audience we select.
3. Peer reviews and intensive reviews have opened us up to new writing styles and methods.
4. An idea must be backed up with evidence, like in our public writing assignment.
5. Research is an essential part of forming an argument, especially in the public writing assignment.
6. Once again, peer reviewing has taught us how to give constructive criticism to others' works.
7. We have written for different implied audiences on all of our assignments. Looking closely, one
can notice a slight change in style from assignment to assignment.
8. Reviewing one's own paper and making corrections is essential in this class. We haven't
always relied on our peers to make fixes for us.
9. Peer reviews help us work together to create a better essay.

Course Content & Format
The content and format of English 103 are designed to enable students to achieve the course goals; specifically, students in English 103 will:
1. We have seen several different examples that hold rhetorical elements such as the video of sand painting and the Orbitz commercial.
2. The video of a previous student's multimodal assignment showed us how to achieve a good
use of persuasive logic.
3. Peer reviews once again has honed this skill.
4. Multiple drafts are required for each assignment which are all reviewed.
5. Various instances of this objective have come up during intensive reviews where we look at
how certain things in an essay may affect an audience.
6. The rhetorical analysis assignment did a good job of making us figure out what the author was
trying to say and exactly how they achieved it.
7. There has been quite a variety in the subjects we have been assigned and well as a variety in
the intended audiences.

University Core Curriculum Goals
The central purpose of University Core Curriculum is to enable men and women to live rich and satisfying lives and to undertake the broad responsibilities of citizenship in a free society. Although the University Core Curriculum seeks to discover and nurture individual talents, its primary emphasis is preparation for roles people share as human beings and as members of family and community groups. Thus, students will be able to:
1. Skills of rhetorical analysis that we learn in this class will stay with us for the rest of our lives
and are applicable in almost every occupation.
2. Well, being college students, I would hope we would all be able to communicate intelligently,
but this class will help those realize the implications of their own words and how they affect
3. The public writing assignment forced us to look at both sides of an issue and understand their
4. This isn't a cultural history class. This class is made for us to learn to communicate effectively.
This goal really shouldn't apply to an English class.
5. This class helps teach us constructive criticism and effectively getting our ideas across, but not
much else concerning "life's common problems."
6. The freedom to choose our subjects for assignments makes the class feel less restrained and
focus on our own interests.

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