Monday, September 14, 2009

Class Log

Tuesday 9-8-09

On Tuesday, Professor McArdle explained how the intensive review system works and selected six people to have their essays intensively reviewed by the entire class. The chosen six were to have their papers online by five o’clock that evening. The class then proceeded to the LaFollette lobby and split into designated groups to give critical reviews of their peers’ papers. The students helped their each other to uncover new ideas and writing styles for the essays.

Thursday 9-10-09

On Thursday, the class was supposed to listen to and review the six essays chosen on Tuesday. However there was not enough time during the class period and only two students were able to have their papers undergo the intensive review process. Amanda Lum and Jacob Amstutz read their “This I Believe” essays. The two writers then received suggestions from their peers who all had something to say. Luckily the schedule is not concrete and can be rearranged to accommodate the four essays that have yet to be reviewed.

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