Monday, September 7, 2009

Great. Now I'm even forgetting my own birthday.

Well, today is my birthday. Ironically, as my mom pointed out, it's also Labor Day. My mom also pointed out that they had not gotten around to buying me a gift yet, which surprised me, because that's not normally what you want to tell someone your going to give a gift to. What surprised me even more is that it didn't really matter to me. I had always lived with this notion that people get upset when your family forgets to get you a present, but frankly, I could have cared less if they got me a present or not.

Heck, I didn't even realize that my birthday was coming up until Friday night. I remember when I used to count down the days on the calendar with baited breath for my birthday. Now I can barely remember when it is. I guess it's true what they say. As you get older, birthdays get less and less important. It just feels like another regular day, except people greet me with happy birthday.


  1. Well Happy Belated Birthday first off!!! I understand when you say you dont even realize when your birthday is coming up. I was the same way in July. I was like, "Gosh, ill be 19 in like two days!" I got taken to the cheesecake factory for my birthday. haha. I had never been there before so it was fun! :)
