Friday, September 11, 2009

Drills and Lock-outs

Well today was interesting. I got to experience my first college dorm fire drill. So much more sophisticated than those lousy high school fire drills. Actually it was even less organized. We weren't even told of a plan. Everyone just kind of walked down the stairs and outside. Apparently we were supposed to separate by floors, but it was pretty unregulated.

I also got to experience my first college dorm lockout. I went downstairs to the study lobby to work on my essay (believe it or not) and when I came back upstairs to my room, I found that my roommate had left and locked the door. I didn't know he was planning on leaving and I wasn't going far so I left my key in the room. A very stupid move. Luckily I was able to get help at the front desk and get my room unlocked. This one was free, but every lock-out after this will cost me five bucks. A fair trade I suppose, but I've learned my lesson.


  1. That happened to my dorm, execpt it was an actual fire. I"m sorry that you were locked out.

  2. I was playing ping-pong wen the fire alarm went off. We just continued to play ping-pong through the fire alarm for a good 5 minutes until we started seeing people leave the building.

  3. I wasn't there for the fire alarm but my whole day and night was awful friday so i can relate a little:)

  4. Don't worry your not the only one that has been locked out...
