Sunday, September 6, 2009

Visiting Home?

It still feels strange to be visiting the place where I grew up. Nothing much has changed. Well, I suppose my mom did take the liberty of rearranging my room, but the rest of it is exactly the same. I guess I couldn't expect much in two weeks. It's almost surreal though. Right now college feels like a summer camp or something that I just came home from. I know it's not true, and that I'll be heading back after the weekend. However, I'm still feeling half and half about where I truly live.

Visiting home also brings up another situation. I don't even have a car. Luckily, this weekend one of my friends who lives close to me was willing to give me a ride. I appreciate her generosity, but I don't want to rely upon her for every trip home. I hate the thought of becoming too much of a burden, but I guess I will have to depend on her until I actually get my own car.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the exact same way. I feel like we are back in middle school, and we are just ended a two week long summer camp, and we are going back home. Even though we all know were really not. I hope it doesnt feel like this for the rest of the year.
